Thursday, November 15, 2012

Baldwin Hills

I remember coming to Baldwin Hills for a field trip a couple years ago. The reason being was to visit the Kenneth Hahn State Recreation Area. However, what stuck in my head that day was not the park itself but the huge amount of oil rigs around that area. So this week I decided to drive by that area. I drove down La Cienega Blvd. which drives down the middle of the hills. I did not take pictures of the oil rigs since i was driving, so these pictures are on line.

Here there is a youth soccer game in the recreation area which is alongside the oil fields.

This is the area where most of the digging is occurring. The nearby cities are Baldwin Hills, Culver Cuty, and Inglewood.

Property values are lower near the fields than they are further away deeper into the city.

When driving I noticed that there wasn't many people walking on the sidewalks since there is not much around, except for the park. I find it weird that a recreation area is right next to an oil field. The oil field not only makes its surroundings look degraded but also unappealing for passerby's. I wonder if theres a situation like the City Reader mentions, property values go down making poor people move in and since more color people are poor, it makes the area seem as if they are segregated. I did not get a chance to see the people living here, but ill look it up and see the population and ethnicities living there.

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