Sunday, October 28, 2012

A walk through a Park

Halloween is this Wednesday, so earlier today I decided to take a walk through the supposed haunted park, Galster Park located at 1620 Aroma Ave. West Covina, CA. 91791. I went during the day so it did not seem as scary but still gave me the creeps because it is a wildlife reserve meaning there are animals there that can attack. The trees also make the walking trails shady and feel as if one is walking through the woods. This feeling is unexpected because the park is in the suburbs, only about 3 to 5 minutes away from a shopping center and the main roads.

This park is found in West Covina on the San Jose hills. The park is 42 acres but the trails only go for about a 30 minute walk including a big incline, overlooking the entire westside of the San Gabriel Valley.

The people I encountered walking were people doing their morning workouts. They were mostly older people and about half of them were walking with their dogs. Alongside the trails there were small plaques with information about the types of trees and vegetation encircling the park. Near the top of the park there is an empty run down building covered in graffiti. The park closes at sunset but only a fence acts as the boundary. Since there isnt much light in the park at night it makes it easier for one to sneak in and probably the cause for the graffiti.

Here is a link to one of the many sites of ghost siting s that happened at the park.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Bus Ride

The Bus is a source of transportation throughout the city. A type of physical access from different neighborhoods. This week I rode the Rapid 6 Green line from Ackerman turnaround to Braddock Ave in Culver city. My friends and I left campus at 6pm meaning it was rush hour on the streets. The bus took about 20 minutes to leave Westwood. The busiest intersections were Westwood Blvd./Wilshire Ave. and getting onto Sepulveda Blvd. The 7 mile trip took approximately 45 minutes.

When we got on the bus it was about half full. Most of the seats open were towards the back. The people on the bus looked like they had just gotten off work because of the certain clothes they were wearing and some carrying lunch boxes. There was a good amount of students, most likely leaving school and heading home.

The ride was 0.50 cents one way for a student, so in total the trip was 1 dollar for 14 miles. On a car the estimated time is 15 minutes, making the Bus slower than a car but faster than a walk. It gives people without mobile transportation a way to transport themselves quicker and be more efficient with time spent if one had no transportation.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Car Wash

This past weekend I took my car to a random car wash on my way home from school. The car wash BlueWave Carwash was situated on the corner of Santa Monica Blvd. and Westwood Blvd in Westwood about 5 mins from school. I could not take a picture of the workers and/or of the car being inside the machine so this picture is off the internet. Getting my car washed by other people made me think about Structuralism.

Structuralism is a theory that sees society as a whole. One large structure made of smaller structures each doing their part in society. The common analogy is
Social Groups=Organs
Here the workers are acting as cells in a human body. Doing their job but at the same time helping society grow. In today's society a person working at a car wash is part of a lower social group. I noticed that most of the workers spoke in Spanish with each other. Like Herbert Spencer said lower groups serve vital functions and a content society is based on the lower groups acceptance of their place.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Bicycle Ride

This past weekend I rode my bicycle from UCLA to downtown Los Angeles for Ciclavia, this huge bicycling event that happens twice a year. It is a one day event where downtown streets are closed off and only bicycles are permitted on the streets. The route goes through MacArthur Park, down Figueroa until Echo park, and to Chinatown. Thousand of bicyclists and families attended the event ranging from children to the elderly.

So the trip to get to downtown took approximately an hour. For most part of the trip, I rode on Santa Monica and Wilshire. Once on Santa Monica I noticed more shops and little stores rather than houses like in Westwood. Once I reached Beverly Hills the scenery changed into more modern looking buildings especially near Rodeo Drive. Upon arriving in Downtown more people were out on the streets. I saw more homeless people out and sidewalks began to change into less taken care off.

Ciclavia itself was an amazing event, because it promotes outdoor activity instead of usual car congested Downtown. They were people of all races which made me see how LA is really a multi cultural city and how a common interest of people can make the whole city unite.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Week 1

Los Angeles is a prime example of a global city, meaning it is full of different ethnicity's, mainly immigrants from poorer countries. Although I was raised in the Los Angeles area my whole life, I do not think of it in such a way. The reason why i think Los Angeles is unequal in wealth and properties is because each city is home to people who make somewhat the same amount of income.

My name is Alberto Flores and I was raised in West Covina CA for most part of my life. West Covina is a city about 20 miles east of Downtown LA located in the San Gabriel Valley. I am taking this class because I plan on doing a minor in Geography and this class specifically gives me an opportunity to go out to the different regions of Los Angeles and try to see how the same city can be so different just a few miles down the road.