Friday, October 19, 2012

Car Wash

This past weekend I took my car to a random car wash on my way home from school. The car wash BlueWave Carwash was situated on the corner of Santa Monica Blvd. and Westwood Blvd in Westwood about 5 mins from school. I could not take a picture of the workers and/or of the car being inside the machine so this picture is off the internet. Getting my car washed by other people made me think about Structuralism.

Structuralism is a theory that sees society as a whole. One large structure made of smaller structures each doing their part in society. The common analogy is
Social Groups=Organs
Here the workers are acting as cells in a human body. Doing their job but at the same time helping society grow. In today's society a person working at a car wash is part of a lower social group. I noticed that most of the workers spoke in Spanish with each other. Like Herbert Spencer said lower groups serve vital functions and a content society is based on the lower groups acceptance of their place.

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