Friday, October 12, 2012

Bicycle Ride

This past weekend I rode my bicycle from UCLA to downtown Los Angeles for Ciclavia, this huge bicycling event that happens twice a year. It is a one day event where downtown streets are closed off and only bicycles are permitted on the streets. The route goes through MacArthur Park, down Figueroa until Echo park, and to Chinatown. Thousand of bicyclists and families attended the event ranging from children to the elderly.

So the trip to get to downtown took approximately an hour. For most part of the trip, I rode on Santa Monica and Wilshire. Once on Santa Monica I noticed more shops and little stores rather than houses like in Westwood. Once I reached Beverly Hills the scenery changed into more modern looking buildings especially near Rodeo Drive. Upon arriving in Downtown more people were out on the streets. I saw more homeless people out and sidewalks began to change into less taken care off.

Ciclavia itself was an amazing event, because it promotes outdoor activity instead of usual car congested Downtown. They were people of all races which made me see how LA is really a multi cultural city and how a common interest of people can make the whole city unite.

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